Book Writing Workshop #3 July 5, 2024 6pm EST

The Book Writing Workshop series is a total of (3) live virtual sessions on July 1, 3 and 5, 2024. Each workshop will cover different aspects of writing and self-publishing from a Christian worldview.

  • Hiring Your Team

    Sarita will show you how to copyright your work and hire your editor and designer (if you need to). You will know what to expect and save time and money making informed decisions.

  • Behind-the-scenes Selling & Distribution Options

    You'll view the published author's perspective of Amazon selling and using KDP to publish, in addition to selling on your own website or at a vendor booth, so that you can decide which option works best for your busy schedule.

  • Packing, Shipping & Inventory Management

    You will choose how you want to pack, ship, and track your book (depending on your distribution) as Sarita shows you the options available to self-publishers. You'll also learn about inventory management and how to create positive cash flow once you're published.

Learn how to write a COMPELLING book that transforms lives!

Sarita will give you trade secrets of creating a Christian book that doesn't sit and collect dust, but flies off the shelf.

Types of Books Sarita Will Help You Write

Your book does NOT have to be a Christian non-fiction but can be ANY genre or format.

  • Journal

  • Devotional

  • Non-fiction

  • Novel

  • Memoir

  • Children's Book

  • Short Story or Book Series

What's covered in this Workshop Series

Each Workshop covers a different set of topics. You must sign up for each workshop you want to attend seperately. This page is only for Workshop #1 being held in a private virtual session on July 1, 2024 at 6pm EST.

  • Workshop #1 July 1, 2024 at 6pm EST

    Narrow down your ideas into one powerful message and topic. Learn how to create flow and structure with your specific message and chosen book format (journal, devotional, nonfiction, etc.) Learn the ins and outs of sharing a personal story, teaching a Spirit-filled message, and accessing boldness for writing. You'll also get productivity hacks to help you find time to write, reducing the overwhelm and stress of book writing. There will be time for us to work on your book together during this live session.

  • Workshop #2 July 3, 2024 6pm EST

    Coaching to help you choose your book's branding, design, and format. Behind the scenes of making self-publishing choices that won't break the bank or leave you with books that don't sell. I'll help you decide which format and printing options work best for your budget, book's purpose, and audience. Live tutorials of self-publishing and options for printing for selling yourself, using Amazon (or other mainstream booksellers) or print-on-demand. This live session includes time for live coaching to work on your book.

  • Workshop #3 July 5, 2024 6pm EST

    Step-by-step on-screen tutorial through the entire hiring, designing, editing, copyrighting, and self-publishing process. I'll also show you the published author's perspective of Amazon selling and using KDP to publish, in addition to selling on your own website or at a vendor booth. A bonus includes packaging, shipping, and inventory management once you're published. This session includes time for Q&A to make sure ALL your questions are answered.


You want to learn from someone who has not only published one book but has published 14! Sarita makes consistent income on her books and is operating in her life's purpose - reaching souls for Christ. She has a thriving self-publishing business and knows the ins and outs of creating a life-changing and easy-to-sell Christian book.


Sarita will help you understand what's been holding you back and how to grow in confidence, gain clarity and access the anointing to write.


New Authors

Behind the Scenes with Sarita

All your self-publishing questions will be answered and you will see exactly how to get your book from an idea, to a manuscript to a book in hand! You'll get the inside scoop from a published author's perspective of selling through Amazon, national booksellers and directly to your readers in person or online.

Are you ready to write your book, but not sure where to start?

I have been writing and self-publishing since 2018...

After years of running from my calling to write books and minister to single women who desired marriage, I decided to stop running and obey God.

I had JUST come out of a season of heartbreak and deception. I compromised on my standards and backslid my way into a horrible relationship that caused my heart to break and mountains of regret to consume me. 14x Self-Published Author Sarita A. Foxworth

I CHOSE not to stay in that dark and sad place. I clawed my way back into the presence of God, back into the Word of God, and finally said YES, LORD, I will be the woman you have called me to be!

Once I was 95% healed and had removed myself entirely from that toxic relationship, I wrote How to Heal a Broken Heart: Transition From Pain to Peace and published and distributed the book entirely on my own in April 2018. 

By the end of that same year, I wrote and self-published THREE more books to help women prepare for the husband they are praying for, hear from God in prayer and prepare their bodies to give birth to the children they desire (after marriage, of course). 

By the end of 2019, I had written and self-published eight books in total. And my books are filled with substance and biblical accuracy.

When I said YES to God, I meant it. You see, I had already been ministering to women years prior, serving as a teacher, intercessor,  and leader in my local church.  It took a rough season of heartache to get me to focus and finally step fully into my calling. 

Now, I am here to help you do the same. We are women of God, so I must show you the spiritual side of writing a book under your own prophetic anointing, but I will also guide you through all the natural parts of writing and self-publishing, such as time management, organizing your book, choosing a printer, how to price, distribute and market your book. 

I want you to THRIVE as a Christian author.  That's the ultimate goal of the Book Writing Challenge.

Will you allow me to serve as your Book Coach? 

Let's get started!

Are you ready? Let's Get Started!

Click the button below to join now!

Price for Workshop #3

Each workshop must be purchased separately. This checkout is only for Workshop #3. No Refund Policy. Coaching payments are non-refundable and non-transferable to other services, events or products.

Let's start working together now so I can help you birth the book that God has placed in your heart.